Click on underlined titles to access publications.
Book Chapters
2019 “Agnes Pelton and the Musicalization of Color.” In Enchanted Modernities: Mysticism,
Landscape and the American West, edited by Sarah Turner, Christopher Scheer, and James Mansell. Nora Eccles Harrison Museum/Fulgur Press.
2018 “Teaching Music Theory with Video.” In The Norton Guide to Teaching Music Theory, edited by
Rachel Lumsden and Jeffrey Swinkin. W. W. Norton and Company.
Journal Articles
2017 “Oneness Through the Sharpening of Contradictions”: Theosophical Polarity in Scriabin’s
Late Harmonic Practice. Journal of Musicological Research 36/3: 181-207.
2015 “Hacking the Music Theory Classroom: Standards-Based Grading, Just-in-Time Teaching,
and the Inverted Class.” With Phil Duker, Bryn Hughes, and Kris Shaffer. Music Theory Online 21.1 (March).
I am primary author for sections titled "Inverting the music theory classroom" and "Online Lectures and Inverted Classrooms at Ohio State: How I Became My Own TA."
2013 “On Standards and Assessment.” In Engaging Students: Essays in Music Pedagogy (July).
2012 “Scriabin and the Possible.” With Justin Townsend. Music Theory Online 18.2 (June).
2011 “The English Concertina as an Instrument of Science.” Papers of the International Concertina
Association 8: 1-18.
2009 “The Wheatstone Concertina and Symmetrical Arrangements of Tonal Space.” Journal of
Music Theory 53/2 (Fall): 163-190. Reprinted in Papers of the International Concertina Association 10 (2013-2015): 1-34.
Conference Proceedings
2015 “Modern Synesthesia and the Interpretation of Scriabin’s Color Music.” In Галеевкие
Чтения: Материалы Международной научно-практической конференци «От синестезии к синтезу искусств» [Galeev's Readings: Papers of the International Scientific-Practical Conference “From Synesthesia to Synthesis of Arts],” October 2-4. Prometheus Center: Kazan, Russia, 361-66.
2015 “Scriabin’s Color Music in America.” In English and Russian. In Scientific Notes of the A.N.
Scriabin Memorial Museum 8/2. Proceedings of «Путь к Скрябину» К 100-летию со дня смерти Александра Николаевича Скрябина [Path to Scriabin: On the 100th Anniversary of Alexander Scriabin’s Death], April 24-27. A.N. Scriabin Memorial Museum: Moscow, Russia. In press.
2018 “The Case of the Tic Tac Toe-Playing Chicken: Behaviorism and Programmed Instruction in
Music Theory.” Review of Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music by Greg A. Steinke, based on material originally created by Paul O. Harder.” Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy 31.
2015 “’Vägen mot Skrjabin’—en hyllning i Moskva [The Path to Scriabin: A Celebration in
Moscow].” Translated into Swedish by Johan Fröst. Svenska Pianobulletinen: Tidningen för dig som spelar eller undervisar i piano (December): 8-10.
2016 Video tutorials for A Concise Introduction to Tonal Harmony by Joseph Straus and Poundie
Burstein and Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis by Elizabeth Marvin and Jane Clendinning, third edition. W.W. Norton & Co.